Setting up a new computer is always exciting, but when you have a number of ongoing projects and work that quickly needs to be resumed without downtime, it is worth standardizing and documenting the process.
Following is my preferred computer desktop setup which I replicate on any new machine I use:
- OS: Debian stable
- To enable higher resolutions
on my Acer EL220Q monitor:
- Edit /etc/default/grub and set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX to "video=VGA-1:1920x1080@64.9". In case this doesn't work, try a lower refresh rate like @49.9.
- Run 'sudo update-grub' and reboot.
- To enable higher resolutions
on my Acer EL220Q monitor:
- OS: Windows when I am forced to
- Scoop package manager for installing applications
- Desktop: Gnome with the following extensions:
- Web Browser: Firefox with the following extensions:
- Tools:
- Password Safe / Secrets. KeePassXC when I am using Windows.
- Create new SSH key
- git
git config --global "" git config --global "Arunkumar Dhananjayan"
- IDE: Visual Studio Code with following extensions:
- vscodevim.vim
- Application Software:
Following is my mobile setup with my preferred apps:
- OS: Android
- Apps